Vol. 49 No. 1      February 2008
ISSN: 0040-8891      UBIC: 66

We used porous sapphire dental implants made of alumina clinically for 4 years 1 month, commencing September, 1984 until September, 1988. Subjects consisted of 18 men and 42 women 20-71 years old (mean age: 35 years). Sixty-five implants were inserted in 60 patients. Of these, 20 were clinical cases of an implant connected with natural teeth and 45 were free-standing cases. We conducted a follow-up study on these patients over a 23-year period. One implant in 1 patient had to be removed because of postoperative infection and 8 implants in 7 patients had to be removed because of fracturing or detachment of the porous-part. This paper reports 3 cases where implants remained in place for 21-23 years. These cases have alt shown good long-term clinical progress.
Key words: Dental implant- Porous -Alumina-Long-term observation - Clinical prognosis.

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