Vol. 98 No. 5      NOVEMBER - 2007
ISSN: 0022-3913      UBIC: 171
The fabrication, use, and wear instructions for complete dentures are often the factors determining success. The dentist must help guide the mental attitude of the skeptical patient to foster acceptance and success of complete dentures. A "feeling of looseness" may be a condition experienced while patients learn to wear a new mandibular complete denture. Some patients may not understand the reasons given by dentists for the lack of retention of a new mandibular denture. This type of patient requires more explanation, more advice, and more instruction. A phonetic training technique, to demonstrate to the patient how to retain and stabilize the mandibular denture, may be needed for some denture patients. This article reports the clinical use of phonetics and its effect on tongue position to improve the retention and stability of a mandibular complete denture. (J Prosthet Dent 2007;98:344-347)

The ability of an edentulous patient to successfully wear and function with a new mandibular denture can be a frequent complaint that is most often the result of a lack of patient adeptness or unfavorable tongue habits. Some patients have a natural talent in successful use of their mandibular denture; others must learn how to acquire this skill. Patient education relative to phonetics and a favorable tongue position and their role in improving mandibular denture retention should be provided to patients as part of the clinical fabrication and insertion of complete dentures.

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