Vol. 100 No. 3      SEPTEMBER - 2008
ISSN: 0022-3913      UBIC: 171
The applications of various technological advances in implant dentistry and in ah aspects of the diagnostic, treatment planning, surgical, and restorative phases are gaining popularity. Additive rapid prototyping and computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology are used to generate stereolithographic surgical guides and prefabricated interim prostheses to facilitate implant surgery and immediate loading, respectively. Subtractive rapid prototyping is used for fabrication of zirconia frameworks for definitive implant prostheses. This clinical report describes the comprehensive application of these technological advances in implant rehabilitation to optimize surgical and prosthodontic outcomes as well as patient comfort. (J Prosthet Dent 2008; 100:165-172)
The process of restoring an edentulous patient with endosseous implants and porcelain fused to a zirconia prosthesis using CAD/CAM and subtractive rapid prototyping technology has been described. This protocol allows for minimally invasive implant surgery, as well as functional and esthetic restoration of edentulous patients with various amounts of bone resorption. The advantages include minimally invasive flapless implant placement with ideal implant positioning, immediate occlusal loading for maximum patient comfort, and esthetic and biocompatible restoration with a definitive implant supported zirconia prosthesis.

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