Vol. 99 No. 5      May - 2008
ISSN: 0022-3913      UBIC: 171

This clinical report demonstrates how a clinician can objectively overcome some of the barriers associated with providing patients with predictable esthetics, in a mutually satisfactory manner. Two such barriers are identified and discussed. The first is related to psychology and patient attitude to treatment. The second is related to the actual clinical procedure. A direct mock-up technique is described which serves as an effective communication tool between the dentist, patient, and dental laboratory technician. (J Prosthet Dent 2008;99:333-339)
This article demonstrates how a clinician can objectively remove some of the barriers associated with providing patients with predictable esthetics, in a mutually satisfactory manner. Two such barriers were identified and discussed. The first is related to psychology and patient attitude to treatment. The second is related to the actual clinical procedure. It is important to understand each patient's psychological and social attitudes to dental treatment. The classification system is an objective method of categorizing patients to determine whether their esthetic needs can be satisfied. The direct mock-up technique described is the second tool which facilitates predictable results, when treating patients with complicated esthetic needs. Close communication between the patient, dentist, and dental laboratory technician is essential for a smooth and predictable transition from the initial contact to insertion of the definitive restorations.

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