Vol. 109 No. 2      April 2009
ISSN: 0037-3710      UBIC: 342-J
The oral cavity is amenable to both direct visualization and direct palpation by clinicians, which is different from the case for other organs. In other words, daily dental practice is a very convenient point for oral cancer screening. The consultation rates at dental clinics are higher than those for any cancer screening, including oral cancer. Therefore, we considered that examination of the oral mucosa during dental treatment in a dental clinic is one of the most efficient methods of oral cancer screening. Based on this, in Ichikawa city, we started a screening system in a dental clinic run by members of the Ichikawa Dental Association in 2007. In this system, liquid-based cytology using the Thin Prep® was undertaken by the dentists. The maneuvers needed to obtain specimens for the liquid-based cytology provided the opportunity to the dentists for examination of the oral mucosa, and was useful to obtain good-quality specimens regardless of the source of the specimens. Moreover, this system encouraged monthly study meetings of oral mucosal diseases and cytology, gathering with dental practitioner, oral pathologist and oral surgeon. (The Shikwa Gakuho, 109 165-170, 2009)
Key words: oral cancer cancer screening, early detect ion, system construct ion, Ichikawa city

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